Feb. 25, 2025


Wake up!!! It’s time for the Curlworks Newsletter!!!!!!

We’ve got some fun new stuff in this one. Including a tiny little ‘rebrand’ (bird), new PEOPLE, new stuff in the SHOP! And my curse! Woohoo!! Let’s go!

Introducing ALY!!

If you saw our hiring post last month, this is what transpired from that whole thing. I’ve hired Aly to help me with all sorts of stuff (including coming up with new ideas for this newsletter, see the next cool section…)

She’s someone who’s been helping out the local art community here in Minneapolis for a while and I’m honored/excited/relieved to have her on board! She is ALSO an artist and you should go check her (AND HER BOOK) out here. You will be hearing more from her in the future :)

We ALSO have enlisted the additional help of our wonderful wonderful fulfillment company Pillowhead Merch to take care of a majority of our customer service emails. If you’ve emailed us about shop stuff this month, you probably got a reply from them. They ROCK!! You’d better have been nice to them!!!

Can you Guess Who?

…was the best selling fish?

If you somehow missed my 900 announcements and emails, Fish Bags are now all IN THE SHOP!

Can you guess which one was the favorite this month? Take your guess and then close your eyes and click on the cool image Aly made to find out :)
